All our Leads are 100% Made in the USA from genuine leather with brass snaps. We only use leather leads because they wont slide through your hands and hurt you like nylon or cotton ones will. Retractable leashes are very dangerous so we don’t recommend them or ever use them as we have seen numerous injuries due to them. Our snaps are brass so that regardless of pressure or temperature they wont break. All these Leads have been personally used by both our trainers for years and have been redesigned over and over again so we can offer you the highest quality leather leash on the market.

Leads and Leashes

Dual Handle Leather Leash

Our best selling Made in the USA dual handle 6ft Leash!

Police Lead

Leather Police Lead

Small Dog Shorty Leash

Small Dog Shorty Leash or Keychain/Lanyard.

The Shorty Lead

Easy control around the house or in close quarter situations.

6′ Small Dog Leather Leash

6' Leather Leash with mini brass snap for small dogs.

High Traffic Lead

Leather 2 foot high traffic lead